domingo, agosto 19, 2012

CCIE Voice

I'm on the track of CCIE since the beginning of this Year, and last day 6 i passed in the CCIE Voice written exam (Yeah!).
My method of study was schedule based with goals per week. But after a couple of weeks i was forgetting some details of the first weeks. Normal or not, but i always been poor in memorize tables, codes and names.
Then, to help me in my journey i begin to condense all the read content in sheets. i don't know exactly if i can call this as "cheat sheet" or "fact sheet", but i think that what i made is something similar.

Building one sheet per topic/subject/theme/technology, i made a lot of this things. Some of these are based on cheat sheet from I tried to contact the owner, but i don't hear a response.. then, I'm here... sharing with you.

Please, fell free to send-me updates, suggestions and corrections. Since the english is not my primary language, i believe this have a lot of errors. But i hope you enjoy!

If you want to collaborate, i would like to build some sheets about:

  • CallManager media resources (conf. bridge, translation, MTP)
  • Music on hold
  • Cisco Presence Server
  • SCCP
  • SRST
  • Cisco Unity Connection and Express
  • Video over IP
Thank you!